Standardized methodology for germination test on chickpea seeds
Cicer arietinum L., substrate, temperatureAbstract
The present work aimed to establish (update) the methodology for carrying out the germination test on chickpea seeds, with regard to the substrate, ideal temperature and date of the first count. For this, three tests were carried out: I) substrate evaluation; II) evaluation of the seed exposure temperature during germination; and III) verification of the date of the first count. The experiments were organized in a completely randomized design, factorial scheme 6 x 3 (cultivars x substrates), for test I and 6 x 4 (cultivars x temperatures) for test II. Analysis of variances and means were compared by the LSD test. For test III, a graph of normal seedlings was drawn up, evaluating the percentage of germination. The parameters analyzed were: germination, speed germinations index and mean germination time, in trials I and II. In test III, only germination. Higher germination percentages were observed and an increase in germination speed when using the paper roll substrate. Extreme temperatures were not favorable to the seedling formation process. According to the results obtained, it is recommended to use a paper roll, at 20 °C and with an evaluation date of the first count at 6 days after sowing for germination test.
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